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November 27, 2014
'Burn This B*tch Down!' -
November 27, 2014
Although the media is desperate to keep the false narrative alive that the family of Michael Brown is only calling for peace, the fact is that on Monday night, just before all hell broke loose in Ferguson, while Michael Brown's mother stood silently by, Brown's stepfather repeatedly ordered the mob surrounding him to "Burn this bitch down!"
Ferguson Legal Experts Love ‘Ham Sandwich’ Indictment Line
November 27, 2014
There were so many smart takes, it was hard to keep track during Monday’s coverage of a Ferguson grand jury’s decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.
Turkeys The Worst of the Democrats in 2014
November 27, 2014
The Democratic Party had a really bad 2013. Somehow, it got worse.
TFmr. Obama Official: Iran Will Now ‘Reap the Benefits’ While Having to Make No Concessions
November 26, 2014
Former Obama official Jeremy Bash spoke on CNBC regarding the recent failed talks with Iran, and how Iran came out the winner with a deadline extension.
State Senator: This Is St Louis' Race War
November 26, 2014
Monday night on MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell," Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-
Ferguson Rioters Burn Dozens of Businesses to the Ground, Fire Off Hundreds of Gunshots
November 26, 2014
Last night the long awaited Grand Jury decision in the case of Michael Brown and Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was released. According to the decision, there was no probable cause to file charges against Officer Wilson and therefore he is exonerated and will not face indictment.
This is the initial violence from Ferguson Missouri where the black population thinks they have the right to riot and cause destruction to private property because they have not received the "justice" they demand:
As a result of the Grand Jury decision not to indict Wilson, rioters took to the streets last night burning down dozens of buildings, looting, throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at police, burning American flags, burning cars, and smashing windows. Small businesses were completely destroyed and burned to the ground. Twenty-
"It's really unfortunate this evening because we had really planned...and talked about the fact that we were really hoping for peaceful protests and I mean that," St. Louis Police Department Chief Jon Belmar said during a press conference early this morning.
As a result of the Grand Jury decision not to indict Wilson, rioters took to the streets last night burning down dozens of buildings, looting, throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at police, burning American flags, burning cars, and smashing windows. Small businesses were completely destroyed and burned to the ground. Twenty-
These riots and destruction to property should not be tolerated, what we have seen is that the authorities have allowed this destruction by their timid approach to this insurrection. This is not the acts of a corrupt government that is oppressing or repressing their people, these are the acts of a minority population that has been whipped to a frenzy by numerous racial industry grievance hucksters, Obama, Eric Holder and the media.
The handling of these riots only shows that violence like this will be tolerated and what's more condoned. Justice is a quaint topic in this nation since we elected our first post racial president and put the idea of racism to bed with his historic election. What has happened is that polarization in this nation has been unleashed on all citizens black and white, liberal and conservative and is being done for political purposes.
At the same time, we have one policy after another that push a racist agenda that the black population is treated disproportionately, and we see the stark results of these policies in Ferguson.
Where the blacks are allowed to riot and it is couched in the stew that it is all the fault of the white population that has pervasive racism towards blacks, so in the end it is the fault of our society that these people riot, to shift blame. What this does is destroy the rule of law, the unvarnished facts are that the black population is destructive and commits violent acts at a rate that is, factors above the white population, but somehow it is all the fault of whites in general. Through pervasive racism and other such tommyrot.
Better to deflect the blame and keep the entitlements and National Socialist lies going than offend the sensibilities of these people, after all they may just go riot, loot and kill if they are offended. We have a coarsening, coming to our nation and, until we are prepared to face this situation we will be hamstrung for political reasons and our nation becomes more violent. From Townhall.
Ferguson Missouri Ablaze, Media and B lacks Outraged
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