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Tyrants Reign In World Today

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November 27, 2014

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'Burn This B*tch Down!' - Brown Family Church Torched In Riots

November 27, 2014

Although the media is desperate to keep the false narrative alive that the family of Michael Brown is only calling for peace, the fact is that on Monday night, just before all hell broke loose in Ferguson, while Michael Brown's mother stood silently by, Brown's stepfather repeatedly ordered the mob surrounding him to "Burn this bitch down!"

Ferguson Legal Experts Love ‘Ham Sandwich’ Indictment Line

November 27, 2014

There were so many smart takes, it was hard to keep track during Monday’s coverage of a Ferguson grand jury’s decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.

Turkeys The Worst of the Democrats in 2014

November 27, 2014

The Democratic Party had a really bad 2013. Somehow, it got worse.

TFmr. Obama Official: Iran Will Now ‘Reap the Benefits’ While Having to Make No Concessions

November 26, 2014

Former Obama official Jeremy Bash spoke on CNBC regarding the recent failed talks with Iran, and how Iran came out the winner with a deadline extension.

State Senator: This Is St Louis' Race War

November 26, 2014

Monday night on MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell," Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadali (D) said of the riots after the grand jury announcement that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson will not face charges for fatally shooting Michael Brown, "This is St. Louis's race war.

Ferguson Rioters Burn Dozens of Businesses to the Ground, Fire Off Hundreds of Gunshots

November 26, 2014

Last night the long awaited Grand Jury decision in the case of Michael Brown and Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was released. According to the decision, there was no probable cause to file charges against Officer Wilson and therefore he is exonerated and will not face indictment.

Iran was not ready to make a deal, is the money line in this interview, what he had not mentioned or realized is that Obama was ready, willing and able to make a deal with Iran and sell the interests of the entire world down the drain:

Bash served as Leon Panetta’s chief of staff both when Panetta was Secretary of Defense and when he was Director of the CIA. He said Ayatollah Khamenei achieved various strategic goals with the extension, particularly the freedom to continue its development of nuclear weapons.

“He wanted to maintain the capability of having nuclear weapons,” Bash said. “That’s dangerous, because for the next seven months Iran here will be able to amass additional know-how and new technology while the community continues to negotiate with Iran.”

Leaders on the Hill and at the Pentagon are now concerned that Iran will take advantage of the situation and benefit economically when large assets become unfrozen.

“So they’re continuing to see the benefits of being in this negotiation,” Bash said. “All the while, they are not making additional concessions.”

Iran has not been hiding anything about their contempt for the west, Obama and the entire negotiations which they have flatly refused to negotiate in good faith, so much so that it was and is obvious to anyone even a blind seeing eye dog. All except for Obama and Kerry who have continuously kept them at the table to be denied and denigrated by Iran’s negotiators by paying them to continue in this fruitless effort. From Free Beacon.

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Former Obama Official USA Capitulates to Iran